Friday, November 7, 2008

University of Wisconsin's mistake!!

Recently the University of Wisconsin revamped its application pamphlet, Originally they had chosen a picture from 1993 of cheering fans, incoincedently it was an all white crowd and they wanted to express their diversity at the school. With out any review, Admissions Director Robert Seltzer, had photo shopped an African American man's face(from a picture from 1994) into the crowd. Obviously this was a big noticeable mistake. The were extremely scrutinized for this dumb decision.

I think it was wrong. They could have chosen a more recent picture that showed the diversity, or they could have created a collage. Those choices would have been much more acceptable.
i think this is completely unethical because this never happened. And it is noticable that this wasn't at the same time. Which makes it look fake. And makes me want to believe that their story is fake too. I wouldn't believe the information that they give.
before:1970 after:1995
i think this is ethical, because they wanted to re-publish this photo, so they made it a tiny bit brighter so that you could see the image better. I think its ethical because it didn't change what was happening in the story or make anything up, it just made it more visible. I think this was a good editing choice

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