1.Turn off all lights in the darkroom(must be pitch black, no light leaks)
2.pry off top of film canaster(flat side) and take out the film
3.tear the little plastic roll off of the end of the roll of film
4. put your roll of film on the reel and place in the tank(light sealed canaster)
5. make sure the lid is on tight
6. then you may turn the lights back on.
7. take your tank with the film in it to the trough with the chemicals
8. first you pour in a developer(has to be at exactly 68 degrees). You leave it in the tank for about a minute to a minute and a half, you must adjatate it for the first 10 seconds and after every minute for 10 seconds after.
9. tap the tank and then pour out the developer into the drain
10. then you pour in the stop bath, which stops the development for 30 seconds
11. then pour that back into the container to save it.
12. then we pour in the fixer for about 5-10 minutes.
13. now you can remove the lid because the film is fully developed. you may now look at your film if you wish to.
14. put your reel into a cold water wash for about 5 minutes.
15. then pour in a Perma wash which washes the film off and removes any traces of fixer and agitate that for 2 minutes
16. then put in another water wash for 5 minutes
17. then hang to dry in a dust free room or area for about 1-2 hours
18. then it is dry and you have completed negatives, and you can cut your negatives into 5's and put them in negative sleeves.