Friday, March 6, 2009

Interview:Student of the Month

What is you name and what grade are you in?
Marisa, 11th grade

Is this the first time receiving this award?
yes, i was shocked

How did accepting this make you feel?
very proud

Are you happy?
yes very

What was your reaction when you found out?
i laughed and joked with my friends
What did you have to do?
i don't know

How much work did you do to get this?
i had to do alot of work.

Will you try to get this award again?
no, other people need it too.

Who nominated you for this?
my US history teacher, Mr. Moody
What are your grades for achieving this?
All A's

What classes are you taking?
Ap English and Ap Us history

Do think you deserve this?
I think other people deserve it more.

because they achieved more
What happens now?
im going to try and live up to the title
Is this something you can put on your resume?
i think it is

Will there be a ceremony?
if they give me one

Where at?
where ever they plan it
Who will be there?

Do you get to meet anyone special because of this award?
i don't think so
Are you more recognized now?
yes, everyone knows me now.

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