Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My interview

I will be interviewing: Robert Robles, Glen Cruz, Cecelia Munoz, Casey Oswald, and Christie Gonzales.

  1. What is your name and what grade are you in?
  2. Have you ever been late to class?
  3. What were the consequences of being late in the past?
  4. Why would this change be effective?
  5. What is it now?
  6. Do you think its effective?
  7. Do you think the punishment is deserved?
  8. What do you think the punishment for a first offense should be?
  9. Is it really unexpected?
  10. Why do you think they changed it?
  11. Do you think it is effective for it to be unexpected?
  12. Do all of your teachers abide by this?(don't give names)
  13. Have you had to go to saturday school, iss, or been suspended for being caught in a sweep?
  14. How many of your friends have been caught in a sweep, at least once?
  15. How did you feel about it?
  16. Roughly how many times have you been late to class?
  17. Do you know where you go if you are swept?
  18. If you could say anything to the principle and other officials at the school,
  19. Do you think the students are able to get their voice heard by administration about this?
  20. If no, why? If yes, how?
  21. If you could say anything to the principal and other officals at the school,what would you tell them?

This is going to be an opinion piece, I am going to interview different people from different grades, and 2 girls and 1 boy, so that i can get an opinion from all levels.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Interview:Student of the Month

What is you name and what grade are you in?
Marisa, 11th grade

Is this the first time receiving this award?
yes, i was shocked

How did accepting this make you feel?
very proud

Are you happy?
yes very

What was your reaction when you found out?
i laughed and joked with my friends
What did you have to do?
i don't know

How much work did you do to get this?
i had to do alot of work.

Will you try to get this award again?
no, other people need it too.

Who nominated you for this?
my US history teacher, Mr. Moody
What are your grades for achieving this?
All A's

What classes are you taking?
Ap English and Ap Us history

Do think you deserve this?
I think other people deserve it more.

because they achieved more
What happens now?
im going to try and live up to the title
Is this something you can put on your resume?
i think it is

Will there be a ceremony?
if they give me one

Where at?
where ever they plan it
Who will be there?

Do you get to meet anyone special because of this award?
i don't think so
Are you more recognized now?
yes, everyone knows me now.

Assignment #1:uniforms interview?

1.Sources-Kyle, Reeves, Girard
2.Who are you, and what is your position?
how does the school work without uniforms?
what will change if we get uniforms?
How do you feel about the change?
How will this improve our school?
Do you think there will be more student participation?
What is the importance of uniforms?
Do you think this is of violation to freedom of expression?
How important is individualism to you?
How does this change affect you?
How will the students respond?
What would you do if the students rejected the idea?
How could this go wrong?
When will this go into effect?
Why did this happen?
How will they look?
Are they not only appropriate but are they realistic for the changing weather?
Will the students have to purchase them or are they given to us?
What if a student can not afford to pay, what will you do?
What is the punishment for not wearing the uniform?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Article #4-Rosenbergs' sons(leads)

Who is involved?Julius and Ethel Rosenberg,Morton Sobell,Michael Meeropol ,Robert Meeropol ,Robert’s daughter Rachel ,Michael’s daughter Ivy, Louis Nizer
Who does/did the situation affect?all of the above
Who said so?sam roberts
What is happening?Michael and Robert are convinced atleast their mother is innocent.
What did happen?Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested and executed for leaking atomic bomb info. to the soviet union in the Cold war.
What are the consequences?Julius and ethel were executed and michael and robert had to live without their parents.
What are the choices?to leak information to the soviet union
When did or will this happen?1953
When was this discovered?1953
Where did or will this happen?soviet union and united states
Why did this happen or will it happen?because we were in the middle of a war, and they were communists.
How much does it cost?two peoples lives.. and ruined the children's lives.
How many people does this affect?everyone
How do you feel about this?its awful.. but if its true then in those times it was deserved.

Their lead:They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.

My new lead:Boys Michael and Robert were the most infamous boys of the 50's, their parents leaked atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union and were in turn executed.